苏州思必驰信息科技有限公司 苏州思必驰信息科技有限公司(简称思必驰)是由具有丰富商业和技术经验的剑桥大学团队成立的一家专门从事智能语音技术(自由对话系统和语音识别及分析技术)研究、相关产品开发和服务的高新技术企业,是国际上为数很少的拥有自主知识产权的智能语音技术的公司之一,思必驰公司的自主知识产权的智能语音技术代表了当前国际领先的水平。 思必驰公司致力于为国内外的教育、语音搜索和服务、汽车电子和通信等智能语音技术的应用产业的客户提供专业化的产品和技术支持,帮助客户实现其产品和服务的智能化和互动化,从而实现产品的高附加值。公司产品获得了国内外用户广泛的认可。 公司商业项目曾在世界著名的剑桥大学商业计划大赛中,从无数优秀高科技商业项目中脱颖而出,凭借其一流的技术、优秀的团队、巨大的市场空间和高度可执行的商业模式,荣获了商业计划奖大奖。我们在英国剑桥大学高新区和中国苏州都设立了公司。思必驰英国公司是英国政府和剑桥大学重点支持的高科技公司,同时获得了英国政府的重点投资。苏州思必驰公司是江苏省、苏州市和园区政府的重点招商支持项目,并获了政府的大力投资。公司同时获得了国外数家知名风险投资公司的青睐 苏州思必驰信息科技有限公司是由剑桥大学等著名高校毕业、具有丰富商业和语音技术研发经验的留学归国团队成立。公司技术研发和运营管理团队都具有国内外著名高校的教育背景和一流公司的技术研发和管理经验。 公司秉承开放、创新、协作和共享的文化理念,力争成为世界一流的智能语音技术公司。公司尊重人才,并有良好的工作氛围和人才发展机制来发展人才、成就人才。我们真诚地欢迎坦诚、踏实并有抱负、有能力的优秀人才加盟,成为一流团队的一员,一同创造并共享行业和市场发展机遇,打造国内外一流的智能语音技术公司。 AI.Speech co., ltd AI.Speech co., ltd is a high-tech start-up founded by a team of seasoned veterans in business and technology. All founders graduated from University of Cambridge. AI.Speech is specialized in research of intelligent speech technology, speech relevant product and service offering. AI.Speech is one of only several companies in the world with own intellectual property of intelligent speech technology. Our technology is at the leading position in this field worldwide. AI.Speech offers intelligent speech software products, solutions and service for industries of Education, Speech Search & Service, Automobile Electric Service, Communication, etc. Supported by the state-of-art speech technology, AI.Speech’s products and services can significantly improve the degree or intelligence and Human-Machine interaction of our customers. We have established two companies in UK and in China respectively to exploit the huge opportunities across the world, and both have secured the capital and policy support from local government. The company has an excellent international management team. All team members have good education background of world famous universities, like Cambridge University, Sheffield University, Tsing hua University, University of Science and Technology of China, etc. and have strong work experience in famous corporations or leading speech research institutions. AI.Speech has formed the culture of devotion, innovation, responsibility and mutual benefit and is committed to become a world-class intelligent speech company. The company treats talents as our invaluable treasure. In our happy family, there is wonderful atmosphere of integrity, down-to-the-earth and cooperation, and effective talent development mechanism to help talents’ career growth. We warmly welcome excellent talents to join us to grasp the tremendous business opportunities, to create and enjoy the great achievement of our company in future.